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Boek Star Wars the Crystal Star (Vonda N. McIntyre)
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Boek Star Wars the Crystal Star (Vonda N. McIntyre)

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€ 7,50 € 6,75

On Munto Codro, Jacen, Jaina & Anakin are kidnapped by a man named Hethrir. Their mother, Leia Organa Solo, immediately dispatches a rescue operation. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker go to Crseih Station on a supposed "vacation", and learn of a secret cult that influences the Crystal Star, which could possibly destroy the very existence of the universe.

Hethrir continues to manipulate the children for several days, as he leads the Empire Reborn, an organization looking to resurrect the Galactic Empire. Eventually, Leia and Chewbacca manage to rescue the children, but Hethrir is still connected to the events that transpire around the Crystal Star. After an intense series of events, Hethrir is killed, the Crystal Star explodes, Crseih station moves out of the area beforehand, and Luke, Leia, Han, and the children are safe

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