Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive
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Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive
Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive
Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive
Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive
Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive
Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive

Star Wars the Force Unleashed pack the Black Series 6" in doos Hasbro Pulse exclusive

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€ 129,95

Galen Marek - codenaam "Starkiller" - is de zoon van twee Jedi. Hij werd als leerling door Darth Vader meegenomen na de Great Jedi Purge en werd Vader's Secret Apprentice. Uiteindelijk zocht en vond Marek zijn eigen lotsbestemming

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