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Boek Star Wars Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan (Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)

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Following the defeat of the Second Imperium, Jacen and Jaina travel to the Alderaan system to retrieve a shard from Alderaan's core. However, they are not alone since they are being watched by Ailyn Vel, disguised as her father Boba Fett. In the past, Boba Fett had been an enemy of their father Han Solo and his daughter is continuing his legacy

Following the defeat of the Second Imperium, Jacen and Jaina travel to the Alderaan system to retrieve a shard from Alderaan's core. However, they are not alone since they are being watched by Ailyn Vel, disguised as her father Boba Fett. In the past, Boba Fett had been an enemy of their father Han Solo and his daughter is continuing his legacy

Dit boek is geschreven door Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta in 1997.

Het ISBN nummer is 0-425-16952-9.

Het is in het Engels geschreven en heeft 229 pagina's

Language EN
Franchise Star Wars
Merk Berkley Books
Serie Expanded Universe
Jaar van uitgave 1997