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Old School Toys

OST coins

Save for great discounts!

OST coins stands for Old School Toys coins and is our loyalty program.

You can earn OST coins and use them to get a discount on your next order.


You need to create an account from Old School Toys and log in before placing an order. For every 10 euros you spend, you will get 1 OST coin. This only applies to items, not shipping costs. So if you buy 100 euros worth of items, you will get 10 OST coins.

To calculate your points, we always round to the nearest whole number.

Important note: Due to the high transaction fees charged by PayPal and Apple Pay payments, we cannot provide OST coins for orders paid by this payment method. We offer a wide range of other payment methods. All of our payment methods are safe and secure. So if you want to use our loyalty program, please choose one of the other payment methods.

Calculation examples:
If you buy a figure of 90 euros, and the shipping costs are 7 euros, you will pay a total of 97 euros. You earn points on the amount of 90 euros. So this purchase will earn you 9 OST coins as soon as your order is shipped.

OST coins are not issued on discounted items.

If you want to save OST coins in our physical store, you must have an account and you must report this at the cash register before paying. Your account will then be looked up and the OST coins will be credited immediately.

We have the right not to provide OST coins on all items

If you are logged in and you have OST coins, you will see that various items can be partially paid for with OST coins.

For example, if an x ​​amount of discount is obtained when handing in 50 OST coins, it is not mandatory to wager the full 50 OST coins, you can also wager 5 OST coins, for example. Of course, the discount will then be calculated on a pro rata basis.

If you want to see all the items where you can wager OST coins, follow this link: OST coins products

OST coins have an expiration date. You can see this in your Old School Toys account. All your OST coins will expire 6 months after you placed your last order with us. So the bottom line is that if you order regularly, your points will never expire. After all, it is a loyalty program.

Once your points expire, they are gone forever. This is irreversible. So always pay close attention to the expiration date of your OST coins.

You can find the number of OST coins you have in your Old School Toys account, at your account overview.

Legal Information

  • OST coins have no monetary value. Therefore, you cannot request payment of your OST coins in cash value.
  • The OST coins is an additional service we offer to reward our loyal customers. This service can be discontinued, modified or postponed by us without any prior warning.
  • We reserve the right to remove OST coins from an account when we deem it necessary (for example, in case of abuse).
  • We reserve the right to disable earning OST coins for an account when we deem it necessary (e.g. in case of abuse).
  • If you have used your OST coins for an order, and you cancel your order, your OST coins will not be refunded to your account. However, you will receive a refund of your paid amount (if applicable). Once you have used your points, they are gone.
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